Quote of the Week: "i was the prefect warrior cold and ruthless, i lived by my strength alone uninhibited by foolish emotion" Vegeta: Dragonball Z Majin Buu Saga

Sunday, 31 July 2011

A quick update on multiplayer

Hey its Nathan again,something i forgot to mention, as if Demon's Souls wasn't amazing enough, there's multiplayer yes you read this correctly MULTIPLAYER!!!, and it's got a really unique use of it too.

i'll start off by telling you about how Body form and Soul form affect your multiplayer experience. Body form is Demon's Souls's version of a lobby in a way due to the fact that while in Body form you cannot join any games and can also not invade anyone else's world. But one thing you can do in Body form with multiplayer is summon other players to your world though the use of soul signs (a players ticket into multiplayer) and you can also randomly be invaded by an online wanker who thinks hes better than you, and the game also uses the invading system in the actual story line, by making an online invader the final boss in the Towr of Latria Stage.

Blue Eye Stone
Now to explain how this multiplayer works while in Soul form. While in Soul form you are the connection between two different worlds, and while in this form you can use the "Blue Eye Stone" which you acquire from the Maiden in black after speaking to the monumental, to leave a soul sign in any region in the hope that someone in body form will come along, see your soul sign and be all like "oh shit i need some help i'm gettin my ass kicked by the constant overkill that this game provides, oh shit a soul sign yey someone can help me out of this pit of death and misery" and then he will summon you, you'll go to his world and then help him with the next boss of the stage and once its done you will be revived and return to your own world.

Black Eye Stone
There is another item for multiplayer called the "Black Eye Stoned" which you receive from defeating one of the many black phantoms spread out through the game, now this stone works kinda like the blue eye stone but instead of putting don a sign you just search for a player in body form and instead of helping them out as a blue phantom you try to kill the little bastard because you know your better then them as a black phantom.

Ok so that was a quick summary of Demon's Souls's multiplayer and next time i'l be back on the play by play strategy guide so fuck you if you think this was pointless it was about Demon's Souls so it can never be useless, so see you next time and now im going to show you a picture of Ostrava to make you feel good inside

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